Author: Dylan Welch

Dylan Welch is the CEO and Host of Going Green, a podcast, website, and social media brand that highlights renewable energy, cleantech, and sustainable news.

Claudio Spadacini, Founder & CEO at ENERGY DOME, shares how they are starting up a trial plant to store energy in compressed gas.

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Photo by Marek Levak on Freelancers are a rapidly growing part of the global workforce nowadays. Especially after Covid, companies have started relying more on freelance and remote workers over in-house employees. Freelancers work from their homes providing many businesses with professional and timely work. As more companies work with freelance workers, they get to know about its benefits. But if you have just started considering hiring a freelance workforce, you may have valid concerns. Yes, you will lose the comfort of face-to-face interaction but working with freelancers has many other compensating benefits. To make your shift to a…

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